Does It Say in Rhe Bible That Eve Had a Baby by the Serpents

Conventionalities the serpent mated with Eve

The doctrine of the serpent seed, also known equally the dual-seed or the two-seedline doctrine, is a controversial and fringe Christian religious belief which explains the biblical account of the fall of man past stating that the Serpent mated with Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the offspring of their union was Cain. This event resulted in the cosmos of 2 races of people: the wicked descendants of the Serpent who were destined for damnation, and the righteous descendants of Adam who were destined to have eternal life. The doctrine frames man history as a disharmonize between these two races in which the descendants of Adam will eventually triumph over the descendants of the Serpent.

The teaching appears in the early Gnostic writings of Valentinus (100–160) and the Gospel of Philip (c.  350). Mainstream Christian teachers rejected the serpent seed doctrine as heresy during the gnostic menses. Irenaeus (c.  180), an Early Church Begetter, described the gnostic doctrine that the original sin was adultery between Eve and the snake and explicitly rejected it equally heresy in his book Confronting Heresies.[one]

During the 19th century, the ophidian-seed doctrine was revived past American religious leaders who wanted to promote white supremacy. The modern versions of the serpent seed doctrine were developed within the teachings of British Israelism by C. A. L. Totten (1851–1908) and Russel Kelso Carter (1849–1928). Daniel Parker (1781–1844) was as well responsible for reviving and promoting the doctrine amongst Primitive Baptists.[2] Teachers of Christian Identity Theology, which branched off from British Israelism, preached the doctrine during the early on twentieth century and promoted it within the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, the American Nazi Party and other white supremacist organizations. The belief's adherents commonly use information technology to justify antisemitism and racism past claiming that Jews or members of non-white races are the descendants of Cain and the Serpent, who they variably interpret to be Satan or an intelligent non-human creature which lived before Adam and Eve.[iii] [4]

The Serpent Seed teaching comes in several different forms. William M. Branham (1909–1965), Arnold Murray (1929–2014), Wesley A. Swift (1913–1970), and Sun Myung Moon (1920–2012) played of import roles in spreading versions of the doctrine amidst their corresponding groups throughout the 20th century. Around the world, there are millions of adherents of the serpent seed doctrine inside Branhamism and the Unification Church building. In 2000, at that place were an estimated 50,000 adherents of information technology within Christian Identity. The Anti-Defamation League and various Christian apologetics organizations have denounced racist versions of the Serpent Seed teaching by claiming that they are incompatible with the teachings of traditional Christianity, and they accept accused their promoters of exacerbating racial divisions by spreading hate.

Doctrine [edit]

Diverse nuanced forms of the serpent seed doctrine take been developed over the centuries. In its nearly prominent modernistic form, information technology explains the biblical account of the autumn of man past stating that the serpent mated with Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the offspring of their union was Cain. It claims that Eve had relations with Adam a 2nd time, and Abel and his younger brother Seth were the two offspring who were produced by that union. Both of these events resulted in the creation of two races of people, the kickoff event produced the wicked descendants of the Serpent who were destined for damnation, and the second issue produced the righteous descendants of Adam who were destined to have eternal life. The doctrine frames man history as a conflict between these ii races in which the descendants of Adam volition eventually triumph over the descendants of Cain and the Serpent.[five] [6] [7]

Genesis 3:fourteen-xv[viii] is a foundational verse for the doctrine.[nine]

So the Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you have washed this, Cursed are you to a higher place all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and y'all volition eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you volition strike his heel.

The Bible Genesis 3:14-15

The doctrine is frequently used to demonize Jews and people who are members of not-white races and justify their mistreatment, abuse, enslavement or emptying past labeling them Satanic and sub-human. Variations of the doctrine claim that the Ophidian's descendants have no souls because they are partially descended from animals and are therefore predestined for damnation. Some groups are markedly militant on the subject considering of their millennial teachings, and as a result, they believe that at the end of days, a final battle will be fought in which the pure race will triumph over the impure race.[9] [5] [6]

The identity of the serpent varies between groups. Some groups claim that the serpent is Satan himself, while other groups claim that the serpent is an animate being which is either apelike or human-similar. Some groups comprise Pre-Adamite views which country that the serpent was a non-human brute whose creation predated the creation of Adam.

The identity of the serpent's seed also varies between groups. Aryan Nations, an American anti-semitic, neo-Nazi and white supremacist group, claims that the descendants of the serpent are all people who are not of northern European descent. Other Christian Identity groups merits that the descendants of the snake are either Jews or Africans. William Branham continued the serpent's descendants with Ham, the biblical progenitor of the African peoples, several Jewish figures, the highly educated, and social club'southward criminals. Arnold Murray connected the descendants of the Serpent with the "Kenites", a grouping of people which he believed had infiltrated some office of Jewish gild.[10] In the Unification Church, the bloodline of all humanity is believed to be contaminated as a result of Eve'southward relations with the snake. However, married couples can change their heritages by performing the Holy Matrimony Blessing Ceremony which enables them to become the adopted children of their new Adam: Sunday Myung Moon.[11]

Mainstream Christianity [edit]

Mainstream Christianity rejects the serpent seed view. Many different Christian groups offer systematic rebuttals of the doctrine. For example, the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry points to Genesis 4:1[12] in guild to refute the doctrine.[thirteen] Because the biblical record explicitly names Adam as the male parent of Cain, the instruction of the snake seed is considered incompatible with the Protestant teaching of Biblical infallibility.

At present Adam had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave nascence to Cain...

Genesis four:ane

Critics argue that the doctrine foments sectionalisation and fuels racism, which makes it an unhealthy belief which is incompatible with Christianity because the conventionalities itself leads to sin. 1 Christian apologetics grouping states, "Although an idea should not be criticized when it is wrongly applied, it is appropriate to condemn an idea when it logically leads to sin. A philosophy that teaches that some races or people are universally satanic, similar the snake seed doctrine, is one such philosophy."[6] Also writing on the topic, Rev. John Brisby stated, "The Ophidian's Seed doctrine is the hallmark of well-nigh radical hate groups today. Whether it involves neo-Nazis, correct-wing militias, or one of the many other white supremacist groups, well-nigh of them share this doctrine in common. How do they justify their hatred towards Jews, non-whites, and others? They believe that these people are not real people at all!"[14]

Other criticisms of the doctrine betoken out the theological repercussions of blurring traditional Christianity'southward interpretation of the doctrine of original sin. The serpent seed doctrine characterizes original sin as a feature of genetic inheritance rather than a spiritual condition.[vi] Mainstream Christianity teaches the belief that all individuals are the spiritual children of Satan considering they were born in a land of original sin. Through the act of Christian conversion, individuals can become children of God through adoption. The serpent seed doctrine undermines the basic teachings of Christian conversion by teaching the belief that only individuals who are descended from Adam are the inherent children of God, a conventionalities which classifies them every bit the but people who do not need to catechumen to Christianity, while the Serpent'due south seedline is irredeemable.[fifteen]

History [edit]

Early teachings [edit]

Valentinus (100–160) promoted a doctrine which is similar to the serpent seed doctrine because information technology states that Eve mated with the serpent and produced Cain. The teachings of Valentinus were compiled in the Gnostic Gospel of Philip (c.  350) where the thought that Eve mated with the serpent, or Satan, and produced Cain, finds its earliest expression. A similar account is recorded in the Gnostic Apocryphon of John which was authored by the Sethians (c.  180).[16]

Start adultery came into being, after murder. And he (Cain) was begotten in infidelity, for he was the child of the serpent. So he became a murderer, only like his father, and he killed his brother. Indeed, every act of sexual intercourse which has occurred between those who are unlike 1 some other is an act of infidelity.

Gospel of Philip 61:v-10[17]

Irenaeus recorded a portion of the teaching and denounced it as heresy in his volume Against Heresies.[1] Explaining and commenting on the teachings of Valentinus, Irenaeus states:

[They] cunningly devised a scheme to seduce Eve and Adam, past means of the serpent ... this one (Eve) sinned by committing adultery ... Such are the opinions which prevail amid these persons, by whom, like the Lernæan hydra, a many-headed fauna has been generated from the school of Valentinus.

Irenaeus, Against Heresies Affiliate Xxx.—Doctrines of the Ophites and Sethians.

The teaching too appeared in medieval Judaica. In his 1957 book Cain: Son of the Ophidian, David Max Eichhorn traces the belief that Cain was the son of the union between the serpent and Eve back to early Jewish Midrashic texts which were composed between 400 CE and 1200 CE. Eichhorn identified rabbis who wrote about the topic,[18] including a 9th-century volume titled Pirke De-Rabbi Eliezer.[18]

A version of the serpent seed doctrine was somewhat widespread in European Christianity during the Eye Ages and information technology ascribed the ancestry of legendary monsters such as Grendel to Cain.[nineteen]

Snake Seedline doctrine'due south mod origins in British Israelism [edit]

The serpent seed doctrine was revived within the "seedline" teachings of British Israelism in the mid-19th century past a pocket-sized circle of Christian ministers in the Great britain.[7] The seedline doctrine stated that 2 races of people lived upon the globe: a righteous pure seedline of people and an unrighteous impure seedline of people. The early on teachings of the seedline doctrine did not offer an origin story for the ii groups, that would be a later on addition. The original form of British Israelism taught the conventionalities that the Anglo-Saxons were descended from the lost tribes of Israel and were therefore part of the pure seedline.

British Israelism traces its roots to Richard Brothers (1759–1824) who was i of the primeval promoters of the theology and published a tract on the topic in 1794. John Wilson (1788–1870), and Edward Hine (1825–1891) followed Brothers in promoting the doctrine in the mid-1800s and each of them also published books on the topic and acquired a large following within diverse Christian denominations. Elements of their teachings gradually became pop among members of the Church of England.[twenty] [21] Each of them published books on the topic and they also caused a growing number of followers within various Christian denominations.[20] [21] According to the Anti-Defamation League, the earliest versions of the instruction did not seem to be racially motivated, merely that began to alter equally the theology was introduced in the United States.[vii] The theology arrived in the United States through British Israelite evangelists in the mid-19th century. Rev. Joseph Williams (1826–1882), who immigrated from the Uk to the USA, was probably the beginning such evangelist. He lectured on the bailiwick in Boston from 1874 until his death in 1882. His teachings on the field of study were published in 2 periodicals, The Trio and The Trumpet of State of israel. Rev. Joseph Wild (1834–1908) immigrated from England to Brooklyn during the 1880s. He became the preeminent American promoter of British Israelism. He published multiple books on the bailiwick and influence many white Americans with his teachings.[22]

Daniel Parker (1781–1844) was an early on American leader of the Primitive Baptist Church in the Southern United states of america and founder of numerous churches in Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, and Texas. Every bit an elder, Parker led a group which separated from that church and formed the Ii-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists.[23] Parker integrated the ophidian seed doctrine into Calvinist Predestination. He connected the elect with the pure seedline, and he connected the non-elect with the serpent seedline.[24] Parker published his beliefs in a tract which he entitled Views on the Two Seeds while he was living in Vincennes, Indiana in 1826. Parker'southward seedline doctrine identified the serpent equally the father of Cain and the originator of the wicked impure seedline. Parkers initially developed and promoted the serpent seedline doctrine as a key argument in his opposition to foreign Christian missionaries. Parker believed that the non-white races who were the targets of foreign missions were people who were descended from the wicked seed of the serpent. He stated that since "God would salvage His own children, and since the children of Satan were predestined to eternal penalization, any kind of mission program would seem ridiculous."[25] Parker was labeled a heretic for teaching the doctrine past mainstream Baptists.[26] The influences on Parker'due south beliefs are unknown, so he may have arrived at his version of the serpent seedline doctrine independently. Parker's teachings coincided with the promotion of the earliest form of Polygenism in the United States by the Kentuckian Charles Caldwell, who believed non-white races could non take descended from Adam. Although information technology was not widely accepted, Parker'south educational activity became well known among Calvinistic Baptists in Kentucky.[27] "Two-Seed Predestinarian Baptists always remained a modest grouping. The U.Due south. religious demography of 1906 recorded 781 members. In 1938 there were 98 members."[28]

In the 1890s, C. A. 50. Totten (1851–1908), a former professor of military science at Yale University, began to promote British Israelism. Totten began to promote the belief that Anglo-Saxons were destined to dominion the globe by God.[29] As well during the 1890s, British Israelism began to develop into a formal organization which took on racial overtones. In 1886, the growing group formed the Anglo-Israel Clan and in 1919, this group renamed itself the British-State of israel-World Federation. The primary aim of this group was the promotion of archeological expeditions which it wished to undertake in order to discover pieces of evidence which would validate its beliefs. The group remained small, but information technology gained a broader base of international appeal when it began to accept all people of Germanic descent every bit part of the righteous seed-line of the lost tribes of Israel. Past the 1930s, the movement had grown to include over 50 branches in the United States which were all under the leadership of William J. Cameron, but the British Israel movement largely faded from view both during and after Globe War 2.[29]

Most modern versions of the snake seed didactics can be traced to Totten and the seedline teachings which he promoted during the early 20th century. Totten published several books and integrated British Israel theology into Adventist theology. Co-ordinate to Professor Jon F. Schamber, Totten's works "inspired dozens of evangelists and religious writers, including Rev. John H. Allen, a founding minister in the Church building of God (Holiness); Charles Play tricks Parham (1873–1929), the founder of the Pentecostal Apostolic Religion Movement; Victor Morris Tyler, a wealthy industrialist and an editor of the Our Race Quarterly; Rev. Reuben H. Sawyer, a chaplain in the Christian Church and a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan; and Alan A. Beauchamp, a publisher and an editor of the Watchman of Israel."[xxx]

Christian Identity theology and white supremacy [edit]

Rev. Russel Kelso Carter (1849–1928), a prominent Church building of God (Holiness) minister, was a follower of Totten and the starting time preacher of British Israelism to offer a theory on the origin of the serpent'due south seedline. Carter theorized that Cain was the literal Son of the ophidian in his book The Tree of Knowledge which he published in 1894. Carter believed that "the tremendous pull of the sexual appetite, aroused by the excited state of the woman" caused humanity's fall in the Garden of Eden. He believed that Satan used the seduction of Eve to destroy God's pure race "at its fountainhead".[24] Carter stopped short of speculating on who the descendants of Cain might be, but he connected the righteous seedline with the Anglo-Saxons. Carter'southward teachings on the field of study were after integrated into the overall teachings of British Israelism and they proved to exist peculiarly appealing to members of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists who spread the didactics during the 20th century.[24]

Carter's theory was very similar to the theory which was first proposed by Daniel Parker, who may have been an influence on him.[24] Carter may have besides been influenced by the pre-Adamite and Polygenist theories which were existence promoted in the United States during the 19th century. In 1875, A. Lester Hoyle wrote a book titled The Pre-Adamite, or who tempted Eve? In his book, he claimed that multiple creations of races had occurred, but he claimed that merely the white race, of which Adam was the father, had been made in God's image and likeness.[31] Hoyle likewise suggested that Cain was the "mongrel offspring" of Eve's seduction past "an enticing Mongolian" with whom she had repeated trysts, thus laying the foundation for the white supremacist bio-theology which states that miscegenation is "an abomination". Blending contemporary evolutionary thinking with pre-Adamism, the Vanderbilt University theistic evolutionist and the geologist Alexander Winchell argued in their 1878 tract, Adamites and Preadamites, for the pre-Adamic origins of the human race, that Negroes were too racially junior to be the descendants of the Biblical Adam. Winchell also believed that the laws of evolution operated according to the will of God.[32] In 1891, William Campbell wrote in Anthropology for the People: A Refutation of the Theory of the Adamic Origin of All Races that non-white peoples were not the descendants of Adam and were therefore "non brothers in any proper sense of the term, but inferior creations" and polygenism was the "only theory reconcilable with scripture." Like Payne before him, Campbell viewed the Slap-up Overflowing as a consequence of intermarriage betwixt the white (Adamic) and nonwhite (pre-Adamic) peoples "the simply union nosotros can remember of that is reasonable and sufficient to account for the abuse of the globe and the consistent sentence."[33] In 1900, in an try to revive the ideas which had previously been presented by Buckner H. Payne, Charles Carroll wrote the start of his two books on pre-Adamism, The Negro a Beast; or, In the Image of God, in which he claimed that the Negro was a literal ape rather than a homo.[34] Carroll claimed that the pre-Adamite races, such as blacks, did not have souls. He also claimed that race mixing was an insult to God considering information technology spoiled God'southward racial programme of creation, and he likewise claimed that the mixing of races had led to the errors of atheism and evolution.[31] : 150 Many of these pre-Adamite concepts were adopted past Carter and Totten and incorporated into British Israelism in the last decade of the 19th century.

Co-ordinate to Professor Jon Schamber, Rev. Philip E. J. Monson branched off from the teachings of British Israelism and began to develop Christian Identity Theology.[35] During the 1920s, Monson published Satan'due south Seat: The Enemy of Our Race in which he adopted Carter'southward theory on the origin of the impure seedline and combined it with anti-Catholicism. Monson connected the work of the impure seedline to the activities of the Cosmic Church and the Pope. Monson'due south ideas were popular amidst white supremacist organizations in the United States.[35] Rev. Wesley A. Swift (1913–1970), a government minister and a former recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, and a follower of Monson, picked upwardly the serpent seed doctrine and Christian Identity Theology and was instrumental in promoting the teachings among white supremacists in the United States. Swift and his fellow white supremacists began to promote the doctrine even more than heavily during the desegregation period of the 1950s and 1960s. According to Swift, the descendants of the serpent were "in violation of Divine constabulary when they started to mutate species and mix races."[24] The teaching was used to justify racial segregation and the prohibition of interracial wedlock.[24] It was also during the desegregation menses when William Branham (1909–1965) and Arnold Murray (1929–2014) first began to promote their versions of the aerpent seed doctrine. Branham was the most successful promoter of the serpent seed doctrine, and his version of information technology was subsequently accepted past millions of his followers. During the desegregation era, a militant form of the doctrine was espoused, especially by Christian Identity groups, considering its millennial teachings state that the pure race will wage a final battle with the evil descendants of the snake in order to destroy them.[7] [24]

Swift ordained several ministers who helped him spread the theology. His lieutenants who helped him spread the ophidian seed teaching included ii Nazis, Oren Potito and Neuman Britton, and prominent KKK leader Connie Lynch.[36] Swift likewise developed a relationship with Richard Girnt Butler who spread the serpent seed doctrine'due south teachings to the Aryan Nations during the belatedly 20th century.[37] Butler continued to promote the serpent seed doctrine throughout his life, and it connected to be prominently featured at almanac Aryan Nations World Congress meetings into the 1980s and 1990s. Butler's teachings on the subject influenced the Christian Defense League, the American Nazi Political party, the Christian Vanguard, David Duke and modern KKK organizations.[38]

Modern adherents [edit]

William Branham [edit]

William Thou. Branham (1909–1965), a prominent American Pentecostal minister in the 1940s and 1950s who had links to the KKK,[39] also promoted the serpent seed doctrine.[35] Branham taught the conventionalities that the serpent had sexual intercourse with Eve and their offspring was Cain.[40] Branham also taught the belief that Cain'south mod descendants were masquerading every bit educated people and scientists,[41] along with the belief that Cain'due south descendants were "a big religious agglomeration of illegitimate bastard children"[27] [42] who comprised the bulk of society'south criminals.[43] He believed that the serpent was the missing link between the chimpanzee and human being, and he also speculated that the serpent was perhaps a human-similar behemothic.[44] Branham believed that the serpent was transformed into a reptile later on it was cursed past God.[44] Branham accused Eve of producing a "hybrid" race, and he traced the hybrid line of the ophidian'due south seed to Catholics, Ham the biblical progenitor of the African peoples, and multiple figures in Jewish history including Ahab and Judas Iscariot, and the Antichrist.

Now, Noah and his sons, which come out, Ham, Shem, and Japheth, come out in the righteous line. How did the [serpent's] seed ever get over? The [ophidian'southward] seed come up over in the ark, just like it did in the beginning, through the woman, their wives. They carried the seed of Satan, through the ark, just as Eve packed the seed of Satan, to give nativity to Cain, through the woman. ... Notice this now. And out of there, then, come Ham, Ham with his married woman, and them. He had a expletive put on him.

William Branham, The Serpent'due south Seed, September 28, 1958

What good would a white woman want to accept a baby past a colored man making him a mulatto child? It's not sensible. ... If I was a colored man, or a brown man, or a yellow homo, or a red man, I would be just as happy most it. Yes, sir. I sure would. That's the way that my Maker wanted me and that'southward the way I am. Right. Why does human want to tamper with annihilation for? When man gets into it, he ruins information technology. Let it lone the style God made information technology. Let a man be what he is; by the grace of God let him exist. But he has to cause great fusses at present calling our… causing riots, and big fusses, and everything else across the nations, and across the globe just because he wanted to stick his head out about something. That's the ignorance of the man. That's right; hybrid over again. Instead of leaving information technology the way God wants information technology, he wants to make his ain manner. He has to do something virtually it, you lot know. He has to make his ain self a name. God be merciful to him. It's a sad matter.

William Branham, But Information technology Wasn't So From The Commencement, April eleven, 1960

God is a segregationalist [sic]. I am as well. Whatever Christian's a segregation. God segregates His people from all the remainder of them. They're... They've always been a segregation. He chose a nation. He chooses a people. He is a segregationalist [sic]. He made all nations. Simply still, a real 18-carat Christian has to exist a segregationalist [sic]. Separating himself from the things of the world and everything, and come into i purpose, Jesus Christ.

William Branham, Who Do You Say This Is?, December 27, 1964

Branham related a story in which he privately discussed the conventionalities that blacks were descended from apes as early equally 1929. Branham publicly hinted his belief in the snake seed doctrine every bit early as 1953.[44] He first began to teach serpent seed in 1958 at the height of racial unrest in the Us. Prof. Douglas Weaver believed that Branham may have become acquainted with the serpent seed doctrine through his Baptist roots. Branham was baptized and ordained at a Beginning Pentecostal Baptist Church which was pastored by Roy Davis, a founding fellow member and later Imperial Wizard of the second Ku Klux Klan. Branham may besides have fabricated contact with Kentucky churches which espoused Daniel Parker's two-seed doctrine.[27] Professor Jon Schambers likewise reviewed Branham's serpent seed teachings and the function which he played in spreading the doctrine. Schambers also connected Branham'southward serpent seed doctrine to Russel Carter's teachings which were integrated into Christian Identity Theology and Daniel Parker's Two-Seed Theology.[35] The CBC connected William Branham to the Ku Klux Klan during a 2017 investigation.[39] Branham'south embrace of the serpent seed doctrine alienated most of the members of his Pentecostal audience. According to Pearry Greenish, adherents of the broader Pentecostal motility consider Branham's version of the serpent seed doctrine repugnant and in their point of view, it was the "filthy doctrine ... that ruined his ministry."[45] No other mainstream Christian group held a similar view; Branham was widely criticized for spreading the doctrine,[45] just his followers view the doctrine as 1 of his greatest revelations.[45]

There are millions of adherents of William Branham'south serpent seed teachings. Vox of God Recordings reported that virtually two million people subscribe to Branham'southward teachings through the William Branham Evangelical Association.[46] His followers continue to promote the doctrine and equally a result, they have fabricated international news for their racial views in connection to the teaching.[47] [48] According to Weaver, Branham's followers are very proud of his snake seed teaching, believing information technology to exist "his most original revelation". Many of his followers are unaware of the doctrine's true origin.[27] When confronted with the accusations of racism, some of his followers take denied the educational activity of serpent seed has whatever connection to white supremacy or racism.[49]

Arnold Murray [edit]

Televangelist Arnold Murray (1929–2014), founder of The Shepherd's Chapel, taught the serpent seed doctrine. He accepted the belief that the Jews (Kingdom of Judah) were descended from Adam through Seth, equally the Bible describes. However, he held the view that the Kenites were the offspring of Cain. He also believed that they infiltrated the northern Kingdom of Israel.[50] Murray's teachings are disputed by Protestant apologetics ministries CARM and the CRI.[51] [52]

Christian Identity movement [edit]

Adherents of the white supremacist theology which is known as two-seedline Christian Identity do non believe that the Jews are the chosen people of God because in their view, just white people are the descendants of Adam and hence the called people of God. According to their belief, members of all other races are descended from Cain and thus descended from Satan, specially Jews and Blacks. This conventionalities was popularized by Wesley A. Swift (Church building of Jesus Christ–Christian), Conrad Gaard, Dan Gayman[53] [54] (Church of State of israel) and William Potter Gale among others.[55] The opposing faction is called One-Seedline Christian Identity because its adherents hold the view that all people are descended from Adam, but they believe that only Aryans (pregnant Northern Europeans) are God's called people.[3] [4] [56] [57] Christian Identity followers "believe they are in or are about to enter into the time of Tribulation, a not bad battle between good and evil in which they will take office."[7]

Groups which adhere to Christian Identity theology include Aryan Nations, the Christian Defense League, and the Ku Klux Klan.[58] In 2000, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were l,000 adherents of Christian Identity theology in the Us.[36]

Unification Church [edit]

The Unification Church building has taught a version of the snake seed doctrine since at least 1961. Sun Myung Moon taught that the Fall of Human being occurred when Eve was sexually seduced by Satan, and since then, the human bloodline has been contaminated. Moon believed that both Cain and Abel were physically descended from Adam and Eve, simply taught that "Cain is in the position of Satan's son".[59] Moon referred to secular social club and religious people outside of the Unification Church equally "Cain people".[60] Members of the Unification Church believe that through their Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony, married couples are removed from the lineage of Adam and Eve and grafted into God'south sinless lineage as the adopted children of their new Adam: Sunday Myung Moon. The commencement of these ceremonies occurred in 1961.[11] [61]

Adam and Eve savage by the sin of illicit love, a transgression that violated God'south platonic of truthful dearest. Prior to the fall, when they were constrained past the commandment [not to eat the fruit], Adam and Eve were in an imperfect state, that is, in their growing menses. The archangel Lucifer, symbolized by the snake, tempted Eve, and she spiritually fell with him. She then tempted Adam to eat the fruit earlier the time was ripe, and they savage physically. ... By this principle, God divided fallen Adam and Eve into 2 through their ii children. Cain represented Satan, and Abel represented sinless Adam. Hence God placed Abel, the second son, in the internal position. Abel represented the second love between Adam and Eve, which contained fewer evil elements, while Cain was the fruit of the first beloved. God took Abel considering Adam and Eve's human relationship was more principled than the beginning relationship between Eve and the archangel. ... The religious people whom God has blest take the role of Abel, while the secular people who do not know God and may take grudges against religion are in the part of Cain.

Sun Myung Moon, World Scripture Two, pp. 248, 256, 1139

In Globe Scripture the Unification Church building uses excerpts from the Koran, the Midrash Rabbah, the Bahir, the Stromata and Sigmund Freud to support their estimation.[62] Moon attended many different Christian churches during the 1930s and 1940s in both Korea and Nippon, and was exposed to British missionaries and Pentecostals.[63] He may accept been exposed to seedline teachings during this menstruation.

P'ikareum is a related ritual which is performed past members of several Korean new religious movements, in which a female devotee has sexual practice with the male leader (who claims to be the messiah) in lodge to purify her descendants from inherited sin.[64] [65] The purpose of this ritual is to undo the original sin, which (as in the archetype serpent seed doctrine) was believed to have been committed when Eve had sex with the serpent.[64] British religious scholar George Chryssides also noted that in that location were cases in which the messianic leader was a female and the neophyte was a male.[64] The person who is so initiated will then have intercourse with his or her spouse, and the purity which is acquired from the messianic leader will be transmitted to both the spouse and the spouse's progeny.[64] The most notable Korean new religious movement to take faced allegations of performing p'ikareum is the early on Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon;[65] however, Chryssides notes that, bated from the utilise of language which involves the purifying of sinful bloodlines, at that place is no actual evidence that this ritual occurs within the Unification movement.[64]

See likewise [edit]

  • Antisemitism in Christianity
  • Curse and mark of Cain
  • Expletive of Ham
  • Khazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestry
  • Ophites
  • Polygenism
  • Pre-Adamite
  • Reptilian conspiracy theory

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b "ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus - Christian Classics Ethereal Library". xiii July 2005. Retrieved 15 July 2014.
  2. ^ "Primitive Baptists". Retrieved xv July 2014.
  3. ^ a b Borgeson, Kevin; Valeri, Robin (2008). "3: Christian Identity". Terrorism in America. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 52–55. ISBN0-7637-5524-nine . Retrieved 20 February 2009.
  4. ^ a b Martin, Gus (2006). Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues (2, illustrated ed.). SAGE. pp. 453–454. ISBN1-4129-2722-half-dozen . Retrieved twenty Feb 2009.
  5. ^ a b "SEED OF THE Snake AND THE SEED OF THE WOMAN". Redeemer Bible Church. 10 February 2020.
  6. ^ a b c d "Serpent Seed doctrine – What is it?". Got Questions Ministries.
  7. ^ a b c d due east "Christian Identity". Anti-Defamation League. Retrieved 19 July 2021.
  8. ^ Genesis 3:xiv–15
  9. ^ a b "Did Eve Have Sex activity with Satan? The Serpent Seed View of Genesis 3:15". Christian Research Institute.
  10. ^ Schambers, pp. vi-11
  11. ^ a b Yamamoto, J. ISamu (2016). Unification Church. Zondervan.
  12. ^ Genesis iv:1
  13. ^ "The serpent seed and the Kenites". Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.
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  18. ^ a b Cain: Son of the Serpent. Rossel Books. 1985. ISBN0-940646-nineteen-6.
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  22. ^ Schambers, p. iii
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  24. ^ a b c d eastward f one thousand Schambers, p. 12
  25. ^ Lee, O. Max (1962). Daniel Parker's Doctrine of the Two Seeds (PDF). Louisville, Kentucky: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
  26. ^ Lee, p. 25
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  29. ^ a b Schambers, p. 5
  30. ^ Schambers, p. 4
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  36. ^ a b Schambers, p. six
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  41. ^ Weaver 2000, p. 113.
  42. ^ Moriarty 1992, p. 50.
  43. ^ Kydd 1998, p. 174.
  44. ^ a b c Weaver 2000, p. 124.
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  59. ^ Hwan Kwak, p.256
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  61. ^ Hwan Kwak, p.252
  62. ^ Hwan Kwak, p. 247–248
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Sources [edit]

  • Byron, John (2011). Cain and Abel in Text and Tradition: Jewish and Christian Interpretations of the First Sibling Rivalry. BRILL. ISBN9004192522.
  • Unification Church building (2008). Hwan Kwak, Chung (ed.). World Scripture II (PDF). Universal Peace Federation.
  • Kydd, Ronald A. North. (1998). Healing through the Centuries: Models for Understanding. Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. ISBN9789004192522.
  • Moriarty, Michael (1992). The New Charismatics. Zondervan. ISBN978-0-310-53431-0.
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  • Weaver, C. Douglas (2000). The Healer-Prophet: William Marrion Branham (A report of the Prophetic in American Pentecostalism). Mercer University Press. ISBN978-0-865-54710-0.


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